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The Power Of the VOB & Military Community

OUR POWER IN NUMBERS: The Veteran Owned Business & Military Community combined are without a doubt the most respected, politically influential and powerful consumer groups in America, a fact that is clearly made evident by size, revenue generated, consumer spending, popularity and support from a grateful nation. The veteran Owned Business Community Partnership Business Network  is the largest and most powerful of its kind, whose members and supporters are derived from the various categories below

VETSFIRST/ Leveraging The Power of Community

vetsfirst is a Community Business Partnership Enterprise founded by the United States Veterans Inc, Chamber of Commerce in partnership with various governmental agencies, businesses, non-profit organizations and veteran service organization throughout America, to provide the nations veteran owned business community, who business owners have suffered a disadvantage as a direct result of their heroic military service, with reciprocal, preferential business and contracting opportunities  

Support Our Nations Veterans

Buy Veteran - Do Business Veteran

The Veteran Owned Business Community

3.7 million veteran owned businesses (VOB) ranging from sole proprietors to large corporations and conglomerates. That generated sales/receipts of $2.8 trillion, employed 8.2 million employees, and annual payroll of $280 billion. The veteran owned business community, in conjunction with the 167 million military personnel, veterans, their dependents and family members who make up the military community, and they are the most powerful, political, economic and influential consumer force in the United States and; is America's greatest hope for economic recovery of the country.

VOB Community Population: 3.7 Million

National Coverage: 52 States

Number Employees: 8.2 Million

Annual Payroll: $280 Billion

Average Employee Count  1-15

National Coverage: 52 States

Number Employees: 8.2 Million

Annual Payroll: $280 Billion

VOB Count By State

America's Military Community​

Approximately 167 million Americans make up the Military Community population. The average duel income for a military family is approximately $107,000.00 a year. The Military Community dominates middle and senior management positions in every city, county state and federal government agency and industry in the private sector. Further; the Military Community welds a significant amount of influence politically, in the media, the work place, within our communities, amongst family members, friends and associates   ​and are the most avid supporters of the Veteran Owned Business Community.

Military Community Population: 167 Million​

National Coverage: 52 States

Email Marketing DB: 65 Million

Consumer Spending 2012: 3 Trillion

Average Family Income: $107.000.00

Military Community  Internet Traffic: 60 Million​

Number of Hits: 42 Million

Social Media: 18 Million

VOB Count By State

VOB & Military Community Partners & Supporters

2019 Target 10% of Grand Total

Government Agencies

There were 87,504 governmental units in the United States . Of these, 39,044 are general purpose local governments - 3,043 county governments and 36,001 sub county general purpose governments, including 13,726 school district governments and 34,683 special district governments."

Military Organizations

The United States Armed Forces ​ consist of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard. Tthe U.S. spends about $554.2 billion annually to fund its military forces, and appropriates approximately $88.5 billion to fund Overseas Contingency Operations. The number of Americans serving in the military is approximately 2,266,833

Government Contractors

DOD and the military branches employed roughly 766,000 service  contractors in FY 2009;​ defense contractors DOD spent a  total of $360 billion in contracts in FY 2012

Military Contractors

DOD and the military branches employed roughly 766,000 service  contractors in FY 2009;​ defense contractors DOD spent a total of $360 billion in contracts in FY 2012

Multinational Corporations​

There are 16,818 multinationals within the nation's 938 metropolitan and micropolitan areas, defined as large businesses with at least 2,500 employees$2.5 trillion in revenue.

National Corporations

the numbers of national corporations located in the nations 938 metropolitan and micropolitan  areas is 144,055 defined as large businesses with at least ,500 employees$ 1.3 trillion in revenue.

Local Businesses

The 23 million small businesses in America account for 54% of all U.S. sales. Small businesses provide 55% of all jobs and 66% of all net new jobs since the 1970s. The 600,000 plus franchised small businesses in the U.S. account for 40% of all retail sales and provide jobs for some 8 million people. The small business sector in America occupies 30-50% of all commercial space, an estimated 20-34 billion square feet.​​​​


Aside from the federal government which is all encompassing, The number of incorporated town and cities is over 30,000,the National League of Cities put the total at 19,429 municipal governments in the US, which employ over 100,000 political appointees serving their constitutes at every level of government.

National & Local VSO's

Non-Profit Organizations

Currently 2.3 million Organizations operate in the United States. The nonprofit sector contributed 804.8 Billion to the U.S. economy in 2010, making up 5.5 percent of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP). In 2010 the largest component of the nonprofit sector reported $1.51 trillion in revenue, $1.45 Trillion in expenses and #2.71 Trillion in assets. In 2011 private charitable contributions totaled $298.42 Billion.

The Grateful Citizens of America

Who do you know, that if they themselves are not serving in the military, or a veteran, does not have an immediate family member, relative, friend, neighbor, co-worker, associate or employee that is either serving in the military or a veteran?  Clearly most Americans have someone they know or care about who is either serving or has served, In total their are approximately 315 million people living in the United States. In a recent study 88% of Americans had  interviewed, had indicated that they would prefer to do business with a non-veteran business over a non-veteran business. 

there are more than 35,000 "posts or organizations of war veterans," representing about 2 percent of all nonprofit groups in the United States, with revenues exceeding $1.2 billion in 2010.

United States Veterans Inc. Chamber Of Commerce
National Headquarters
Eagles Night Out VOB - B2B Networking Events


1775 I Street, N.W., Suite; 700, Washington, D.C. 20006

Tel: 800-887-4053  |   Email:

Website: https:///

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