The VETSFIRST Gathering of Eagles VIP Dinner & Events; Is a powerful, preTrade-show, Business Networking, Matchmaking, Educational and Entertainment event; hosted by the United States Veterans Inc. Chamber of Commerce; to provide trade-show attendees with the opportunity build their business and resource network in support of their companies aggressive market expansion and revenue growth initiatives.
Two Day VIP Dinner & Events
June 7th, 2017 Seminars and Workshops 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. VIP Dinner 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
June 8 th, 2017 Seminars and Workshops 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. VIP Dinner 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Cost of Admission: VIP Dinner: $150.00 Cost Admission: Seminars & Workshops $50.00 (All Inclusive Two Days)
VETSFIRST Gathering of Eagle’s VIP Dinner & Events Means Business
Anyone can open doors for you - We open the right doors...
Eagles Doing Business with Eagles; VETSFIRST GOE VIP Dinner & Events attendees are a powerful mix of Politicians, Government & Military Officials, Business Leaders and Decision Makers who attend our events READY to do business and possess the power and authority required to open doors of opportunity, make qualified referrals, recommendations and buying decisions on both a small and grand scale. These individuals come to our functions to generate new business opportunities, collaborate on projects, create partnerships and do some serious business; in support of our Heroic mission to provide the nation’s small, disadvantaged, veteran owned businesses, with reciprocal, preferential business and contracting opportunities. While at the same time building their own powerful professional and business resource network.
The function consist of an elaborate VIP Dinner, Keynote Speakers, and a Forum to Network and Display your company’s products and services. During this energizing and information packed event. You will meet a diversity of Exhibitors, Officials, Entrepreneurs, Suppliers, and Service Providers anxious to enter into reciprocal business relationships in support of the USVIncCC preferential contracting, retail consumer support and employment initiatives. So take this opportunity to develop new contacts and resources; negotiate potential procurement contracts, consumer sales opportunities and learn valuable information for professional and business growth.

Seminars & Workshops: On the 7th & 8th of June 2017, the USVIncCC will be hosting all day workshops and seminars covering a variety of topics ranging from; Sales, Marketing, Social Media Networking & Marketing, Branding, Information Technology Management, Leadership Coaching Strategies, Presentation Skills, Strategic Alliance Management, Leadership Communication, Innovation Strategy, Negotiating Skills, and much, much more…
Attendees can attend as many Training Seminars and Workshops as they choose at no additional cost. Companies are encourage to have their employees attend and take advantage of the training seminars and workshops be offered.
Our Superior Innovative B2B Networking Technology Advantage
Management recognizes that businesses demand ROI at business dinners and events; and need to walk away with tangible results. To that end, GOE event management has implemented a Strategic Targeted Business Partnership Network Resource Mapping Program. That gives GOE VIP dinner and event attendees, the ability to identify potential business partners, suppliers, resources and customers of interest prior to the function and event - then provides them with a means to schedule a face-to-face meet at the at the function and event, so as to make a participants targeted B2B networking efforts, meaningful, efficient and highly effective.
Empowers our GOE VIP Dinner attendees to view, select and schedule 10, 20 or 30 qualified appointments with attending individuals and company representives of interest deemed to be a potential customer, business partner and or resource for their professional network. Thereby ensuring a maximum ROI for our event attendees

Presdo* Match is offered "FREE" to all VETSFIRST Gathering of Eagle's VIP Dinner attendees.

The Power of
In Addition: Each GOE VIP Dinner and Event attendee is; provided with the option to purchase their own POKEN Device. POKEN’s allow event attendees to exchange pictures, business profiles and contact information by simply touching two POKEN devices together in a mutual exchange of information. These devices give ENO participants the ability to literally collect and store hundreds of meaningful contact profiles at an event for later use. Once a participant returns back to the office, they simply plug the POKEN Device into the USB port of their computer – the information loads into the POKEN database and can be used for follow-up sales calls after the event, or as a resource database to be used as needed. POKEN gives participants the ability to build an incredibly powerful sales, marketing and resource database in the shortest period of time. And is unmatched by any other existing technology in the market.
Retain Hundreds of Potential Business Partners, Resources and Customers With Ease.
“Don’t Delay – Register Today! Seating is Limited and Going Quickly”.